
Thursday, 20 October 2011

Pacifier Weaning Day 6

Yesterday was Day 6 of weaning.  (Refer to previous posts for Days 1-5 of pacifier weaning).  Prior to putting my son to bed, I collected all of his pacifiers that had been cut and cut a bit more off so that it was down to the stub.  I placed 5 pacifiers in his crib for night time sleep.

After his bedtime routine, my son went to sleep quietly.  He woke up at 6am crying and seemed very upset.  When he saw me, he calmed down and handed me all his pacifiers.  I took him out of his crib and held him and let him play in my bed until it was his normal wake up time.

My son went to sleep easily for his naps during the day, but they are definitely shorter during this weaning period than they had been.  The longest nap he had this week was only 45 minutes compared to the 1-2hour naps he used to have.  I hope things eventually settle back to the naps being longer!

After my son's afternoon nap, while he was playing, I brought the pacifiers and a little gift bag to him and explained that he is a big boy now and does not need his pacifiers anymore.  I explained that we are going put the pacifiers in the bag and the Pacifier Fairy will come to get them and give them to little babies who need them.  I asked him to place the pacifiers in the bag and he did it happily.  I praised him for being such a good boy and asked him to wave goodbye to the pacifiers.  We then took the bag and placed it outside our front door and said goodbye to it.
I will provide an update tomorrow as to how things go tonight…

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