
About Me

Before I became a mother, life was easy-peasy.  My husband and I worked, had a social life, and were free to do what we wanted whenever we wanted.  Having our son dramatically changed things.  I was sleep deprived and faced with having to really be responsible for someone else for the first time in my life.  I have to admit it was a difficult transition for me to make.

Now that my son is 13 months, I can look back and say it has been - and continues to be - a challenging but wonderful learning experience that I'm thankful to have.  As a family, we experienced colic, baby reflux, weaning issues, sleep problems, teething, introducing solids, etc.  On the flip side, we also enjoyed the first of many smiles, coos, laughs, kisses, cuddles, roll-overs, sit ups, crawls, words, steps, and so many other wonderful experiences.

Once I became pregnant and started to announce it - or the belly bump announced itself - I was ushered into the community of parents, which I found was very kind and supportive.  Once you're a parent, other parents know how challenging things can be and try to help in any way they can.  This blog is a way for me to share what I've learned. I hope it will help you if you're going through any of the challenges I've had.

If you'd like to contact me, please email me at